
Finally Home

Bob Westcott Obituary PhotoDr. Robert Sanford Westcott went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Tuesday morning, November 10th surrounded by family. Bob was a teacher and a lifelong learner.

Born in the Republic of Congo in 1934 to medical missionary parents, Bob grew up with a wide array of pets and a love for exploring. He accepted Christ at a young age and dedicated himself to serving Him.

He graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois, where he met his sweetheart, Charity, to whom he was married for 58 years.  He held degrees from Wheaton,  Dallas Theological Seminary and the University of Georgia in Athens.

Bob spent his early years as a teacher at Rossville High School and working with youth. He established an international foundation training pastors and helping churches, schools, and orphanages.

He is preceded in death by his daughter Elizabeth. Surviving are his wife Charity; sisters Ann Heinrich and Charlotte Lord; and children Tim, Rick, Anita Loizeaux, Daniel, and Jonathan and  by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Continuing the work begun by my father is an honor. His joy in sharing the scripture was evident. Whether telling someone about Jesus for the first time or answering questions from a mature christian, you would see his eyes light up. As we think of his legacy, we cannot forget that God’s Word was absolutely central to his life as it should be to ours. Learning more about it for himself and sharing it with others was his constant obsession. Many times friends would come to his bedside to talk, often with a question or wanting to discuss scripture. God’s word must be our foundation. It is the only one that will last.

Jonathan Westcott

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